Karalouisa’s Blog

Reflection Questions




What goals did you set and how are you going to achieve them?

The goals that I set include the following:

–        completing the task on time

–        completing the task successfully

–        working efficiently within a group

–        staying on task during class time

I am going to achieve the above goals by using effective communication skills with my team members so that we may work efficiently with one another and complete the task successfully and on time. I can also achieve these tasks by consistently focusing on my set work, make sure I completely understand the work by asking questions and seeking advice as well as organize goals to reach by the end of each lesson.


Why is what you have learnt and done today critical for you as a learner?

Today I have learnt how to disperse work evenly between a team so that it is even and fair for each individual. This learning experience, I believe will be a critical ability I will need as a learner in the future as it educates me on how to compromise with one another and take other people thoughts and opinions into consideration in order to complete a task successfully and to the best of my ability.


When and where else could you use the information you have found/ used today?

I could use the information that I learnt today about setting up a blog, designing and editing it in the future when I am working on private blogs and websites. I could also use this knowledge I gathered today about coming up with a club in the future when promoting or organizing events I am taking part in such as fund raisers, parties, family gatherings, etc. Lastly, I could also use the information I learnt today in future educational and computing activities as I learnt how to set up, edit and manage a blog.

What were the fun bits in your learning today?

Decorating the web page and putting my creative skills to use when it came to setting up the layout of the blog. This is because this activity allowed me to personalize my blog and make it interesting for the viewer. Working together with my team members was also a fun part of my learning today because I was able to participate in activities with my friends and learn from their ideas and opinions on particular subject matters such as the layout of the blog.


What strengths contributed to your success today and how could you apply these strengths in other experiences in your life?

Cooperation was a major factor that contributed to my success today because without taking advantage of this characteristic as a group, we would not have been able to successfully communicate our ideas and compromise our thoughts and opinions on certain matters such as who was allocated to what particular aspect of the blog and therefore, conflict may have arose.

Time management would also be another strength in which contributed to m success today as without this factor I would have not completed as much individuals work as I managed to and as a result I would have put myself behind in my progress.

I could apply these strengths to future experiences such as future teamwork both in the working and scholing enivroment and in times such as exam periods as these characteristics assist in eliminating conflict and stress and help situations run smoothly and without complications.


What are some ways you have facilitated positive relationships in your group?

1.     By offering advice to one another

2.     Editing each others work

3.     Taken on listening roles

4.     Distributing the work to do within the group evenly

5.     By making sure we all catch up on lessons we have missed out on

6.     By compromising our ideas with one another when it comes to layout of the blog and information we need to include

7.     Effectively communicating to one another about our progress and difficulties

How has cooperation with others helped your learning?

Because by listening to what others have to say and compromising with them it allows you to grasp a different approach to the situation therefore learn to interpret situations through numerous perspectives. Thus, you can come up with many solutions and ideas relating to the issue. By cooperating with others it also helps you to increase your understanding of diversity between individuals when it comes to opinions and ideas on particular situations and as a result allows you to respect other differing characteristics to a higher extent.


What new things can you do now that you may not have been able to do before this project? How do you know?

I have been able to successfully and independently create and manage my own blog and learn to work with others cooperatively to complete tasks to a high standard. I know this because during the process of making the blog I have not experienced any major difficulties that I have not learnt to overcome. For example, when the information kept overwriting itself the group decided to copy the information numerous times as an alternative. The fact that I have managed to work cooperatively with my team members is evident by the way that we have all been working efficiently on our allocated thumbnails and completing our set work each lesson. We have also compromised about the layout of the web page therefore disabling the possibility of conflict.


What would you do differently in your next group project given the knowledge you now have?

In the next group project I do, I will begin work on the task immediately so that all the basic tasks such as dispersing the work between team members is out of the way so that the group can focus on the more crucial aspects of the task. I will also familiarize myself with the type of program in which the task requires me to use therefore this action will hopefully eliminate the possibility of complications becoming apparent.

What surprised you about your learning in this project?

The main aspect of my learning that I was surprised by in this project was the fact that I was able to maintain focus in set class time which I thought may have been difficult as this task was an individual task, thus you were required to motivate yourself in order to succeed. I believe this factor was also achieved due to the fact that I was placed in an assigned group therefore I would not get distracted from my friends. Another aspects of my learning that I was surprised by was the fact that I was able to understand and manage Word press successfully and in a short period of time.



What goals did you set and how are you going to achieve them?


– to complete the task on time

– to complete it to an acceptable level

– to work well in a group

– to use the time given in class well.

To achieve these goals I am going to work well and efficiently in a group. I think that this can be done by having good communication in the group allowing us as a group to work efficiently and effectively. Also by organizing time given in class and completing some of the task at home will help me to achieve these goals.


Why is what you have learnt and done today critical for you as a learner?

Today I have learnt how to work effectively in a group, by sharing the work and communicating well.


When and where else could you use the information you have found/ used today?

In future situations where it is necessary to create a blog.


What strengths contributed to your success today and how could you apply these strengths in other experiences in your life?

The strengths that contributed to my success today were being capable of working well in a group. This involved well communication, and the ability for all group members to contribute equally to the task.


What are some ways you have facilitated positive relationships in your group?

-By communicating well.

-By sharing the work evenly

How has cooperation with others helped your learning?

Cooperation with others has helped my learning by basically learning from others. I have learnt from others by listening to other opinions and perspectives.


What new things can you do now that you may not have been able to do before this project? How do you know?

I am now able to create and manage my own blog. I know this from previous situations faced during this task. For example information had continuously overwritten itself. As a solution the group decided to copy the information numerous times whilst making sure that there was a saved copy for future references.


What would you do differently in your next group project given the knowledge you now have?

I would have used my time more wisely by organizing it more effectively to fit in with time given in class.



What goals did you set and how are you going to achieve them?

– to complete the task on time

– to complete it to an acceptable level

– to work well in a group

– to use the time given in class well.

In order to complete these goals successfully i am going to contribute, participate, and work efficiently within my group. Communicating precisely with my team members is key in order to complete these goals and team work most of all. I believe that organizing my time correctly and focusing on my assigned work and doing tasks at home i don’t finish in class cant help me and our group achieve success.


Why is what you have learnt and done today critical for you as a learner?

I learnt that communication is key in order to co-operate with your group effectively. I learnt how to communicate stronger with my team members and share the work load evenly.


When and where else could you use the information you have found/ used today?

The information and knowledge i gained today on blogging, and how to create blogs, can help me in future is necessary if i need to create a blog. I learnt how to manage, edit, and create a blog giving me more knowledge and understand on computing skills, which has only progressed my knowledge.

What were the fun bits in your learning today?

Editing the blog, changing the colors and fonts. Making the display of the page more appealing to the viewer. Being able to play around and have fun with it.


What strengths contributed to your success today and how could you apply these strengths in other experiences in your life?

The strengths of effective communication, team work and sharing the work load among us members equally and fairly can help me be successful in other experiences in life. For e.g. when having a job, the ability to work in a team easily.


What are some ways you have facilitated positive relationships in your group?

1.    Editing and going through each other work

2.     contributing ideas and thoughts on each others work

3.     Listening and learning from each other

4.     Distributing the work to do within the group evenly

5.     Constructive criticism

6.     effective communication on our progress.

How has cooperation with others helped your learning?

It has helped me to learn to listen to others thoughts and opinions and take the positive criticism from others as it can only improve my work. It has helped me learn from others in my group, and help you understand your work from another perspective. The communication of thoughts and opinions has helped me only improve my work, and communication skills.


What new things can you do now that you may not have been able to do before this project? How do you know?

Before this task i didn’t have much knowledge on creating, managing and editing a personal  blog. This task has only improved my computing skills and brought them to a higher standard than they were previously. This task has definitely contributed to my teamwork, and communication skills. I know this because a disruption that occurred during the process of this task was that the work we did on the blog had overwritten itself continuously and we worked as a team and came up with a solution to save the work for the future if the problem ever occurred again. That situation promoted great team work, communication, and computing skills.


What would you do differently in your next group project given the knowledge you now have?

Next time i have a group project i would generally be more organized, especially with timing. Use time more efficiently and effectively during class and outside of class time.

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